Friday, June 26, 2009

Back in the Hospital :(

Well I am back in the hospital once again. I came up on Wednesday to have an MRI and to see Dr. Rigamonti and to get my stiches out. I found out that I would be going back into surgery on Monday because the shunt was not working, he needs to reposition the cathedor of the shunt about 5mm (yeah I get my head sliced open again for 5mm) He decided to leave the stiches in back from where he had taken my LP shunt until Monday. We got home from Johns Hopkins around 10pm, I got out of the car and leaned over to get my purse and stuff out and I felt something wet on my back I felt my back and it was wet. I went inside and got Warren to look at it and I was leaking spinal fluid out of my incision. NOT GOOD!! If any bacteria gets in, I could end up with menigitis. Warren immediatly put sterile dressings on it and covered it really good and I called the on call doctor, he told me to go to my local ER. I decided not to do that, every time I go to the local ER they page my old Neurosurgeon that I cannot stand because we don't get along, and it probably wouldn't end up so good since Dr. Rigamonti just took out the shunt that he put in, so I tryed to lay as still as possible, hoping that the less movement would help. I went through 3 dressings that night and soaked them. I called the next morning and he said to come now and he was admiting me until my surgery so he could stop the leaking and get me on alot of antibiotics to make sure there is no infection. So that is the scoop. I have a KILLER headache for the first time since the VP shunt was put in. I am looking forward to Monday, so that the headache will go away!

1 comment:

  1. Praying that you will be feeling better with each passing day ~ Lace
